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I was about to head back in and find a project with which to busy myself, when the car drove past again, this time honking twice. A car drove past and honked at me, but I was like, “I’M NOT A DRUG DEALER,” and it kept going. The next day at work was slow, so I spent a lot of time hanging out on the porch in front of the building, idly smoking, enjoying the pleasant weather, and thinking about my plans for the upcoming Sabbat. I figured that would at least give me enough time to camouflage the more unambiguous sex toys. It was going to be a losing battle, so I finally agreed to let them come by the store, provided they call first to let me know they were on their way. They have lovely beaches there.” Beth being acting chair of the P-Town Board of Tourism. “You don’t have to be gay to appreciate P-Town. I wasn’t sure how to respond to that, so I just nodded. I don’t know how comfortable you’d be around those.” “The shop carries a lot of fun, quirky clothing, but we also carry what some people might call… um, novelties. “I’ll be frank,” I told them over dinner a few days ago, right after Beth demanded a tour. So I wasn’t worried about his acceptance, but I was concerned that he and Beth might not be ready for a real-time initiation into ( quoth Ani DiFranco) leather bras and rubber shorts.

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